
Privacy Policy for the PDF Maker - PDF Maths | TEXT LATEX & IMAGE

The PDF maker – PDF Maths | TEXT LATEX & IMAGE (Android app) has been developed by Tattvabodhika. The only resource accessed by PDF Maths is the external storage. So, it requires the READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission. This is required to perform its operation and give proper service to the users. The PDF maker – PDF Maths requires the grant uri permission to share or expose its generated contents to other apps. Thus the generated PDFs are can be shared with other apps or clients Resultant data such as photos are not shared with other apps. The photos taken with the camera are only used to process the images and to generate the required hex code, which are essential for functioning the app. Data handling procedures, data retention and deletion policies: The PDF maker – PDF Maths does not transmit personal or sensitive information to me or to any other. Since the PDF maker – PDF Maths also uses operating system APIs, you should review relevant privacy polici